Sunday, July 20, 2008

In the Head

If you think between your legs
You will have an open mind
I want to go into your thoughts
Until you express yourself
With proclamations from a deity
Punctuate your imagination
With Exclamation Points!
I'll become your reality at night,
While your day dreams
Staring incessantly at the sky
As you brain storm
Satisfaction is here, which needs no

Another piece from '03

If there ever were...

If ever there were letters…

…To paint you with.
Syllables to create your smiles.
A touch to capture your love sounds.
A trust to produce a portrait of our mutual existence.
If ever there were.

If ever there were words…

…To construct sweet memories of nothing: the warm greeting, the kiss
goodbye, the gentle embrace.
To create a wild orgy of uncontrollable urges, late night seductions, and
sensual cuddling
To delicately whisper those three words—YOU ARE PERFECT
If ever.

If ever there were sentences…

…To lick the wounds of your troubles.
And Save your faith when it is drowning in the pool of insecurity.
And pick you up when fall to the floor.
And, ha ha ha, to let you know that I will always….
I will always lo (ve)
I will always lo….


I was going through an old email account and I found this jawn that I wrote
in 2003.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Point of Convergence

strangers kiss spirits
with tongues in each others' mouths
trying to discover the right words to say
fingers delicately
traversing hair
like a breeze
affectionate longings wrap around
the waist
growing tighter with each second of
reflection: remembering what it was
like the last time
they whisper esoteric code words
of which they are exclusively privy
cheek to cheek, smiles touching
laughter bouncing off ear drums
passion harmonizing with the
erotic rhythms from their hearts
bartering words for deep stares (sexy silences)
depositing those "right touches" into
the banks of reminiscent memories
then, at once, they pull back
the embrace loosens, fingers parting
hands slide down the poles of arms
the moment is tentatively suspended
giving way to three words:
"I missed you!"